map > Goldstones Farm, Radwinter Road, Ashdon, Essex, CB10 2LZ
Please call if out of season.
At cost possible, please call 07971 642243 to check availability.
Please contact me if you require professional advice or practical help with creating any ‘in situ’ garden rustic work, such as arches, tunnels, continuous hurdle fences. I have an extensive library of designs and photos of previous projects to view.
Rustic Workshop (by appointment only), Goldstones Farm, Radwinter
Road, Ashdon, Essex CB10 2LZ
Item | Description | Quantity | Price |
Beanpoles |
Small, medium, large, pointed, 6-8ft | 12 | £12-£15 |
Peasticks |
Twiggy fans, Small, medium, large, 3-6ft | 12 | £3-£7 |
Faggot bundles |
Riverbank restoration, 2m x 300mm (discount for trade quantities) | £12 | |
Faggot stakes |
Min 50mm across top, straight, pointed, 3-5ft | £1-1.50 | |
Hedge stakes |
Max 50mm across top, straight, 3-5ft | 10 | £10.00 |
Hedging binders |
20-30mm thick, approx 12-16ft (also great for gypsy style 'benders') | 10 | £15 |
Hurdle uprights |
Straight, whole stakes, 8-12ft 40mm max, not pointed | 1 | £1.50 |
Kids shelter or nest building materials |
Large bundle of brushwood | Bundle | £5 |
Kids teepee poles |
Peeled willow, 5-7ft | 5 | £3-£5 |
Linen or orchard tree props |
Pointed ends, forked tops | £5 | |
Long net rabbit stakes |
Straight and pointed , 3ft x 15mm | 1 | £0.50 |
‘Live’ Willow |
Salix viminalis, for garden sculpture, arches, bowers etc | 10 | £15 |
Poles, min 1” at butt, approx 12ft+ | 20 | £15 | |
Ungraded large bundles, weaving willow | Bundle | £15 | |
Pergola poles |
Straight’ish poles for garden structures, 2” Diameter | 1ft run | £0.35 |
As above with 3” Diameter | 1ft run | £0.45 | |
Plant stakes |
For tomatoes, dahlias etc, pointed, 3 - 5ft | 20 | £5-£9 |
Spar gads |
Please enquire | ||
Straw bale stakes |
Pointed, 1.3m x 30/35mm approx | 1 | £1.25 |
Walking stick blanks |
Green, as cut (seasoned available) | £2 | |
Twisted sticks |
‘Twistie’ sticks, corkscrew effect naturally distorted, for decoration | 1 | £1-£10 |
Rustic Hazel |
Amazing bent and forked shapes, all you can carry bundles | £10 | |
Weaving rods |
20mm thick, 8-15ft | 20 | £25 |
Yurt poles |
2m 35/40mm straight’ish | £1 | |
As above peeled to order | £2 |