Food and drink
Tea and coffee are available at breaks, both morning and afternoon with biscuits and cake provided to keep up energy levels. Please bring a packed lunch with you unless otherwise stated.
Duration: 5 days
Forthcoming Dates:
Autumn 2014 and then Spring 2015. Final dates to be confirmed nearer the time.
This five-day course is designed to give participants an understanding of the methods, tools and techniques involved in managing and generating an income from coppiced woodlands. It is part funded by the Small Woods Association and Wood Fuel East which is why it can be offered for such a low price. The course will cover all aspects of coppicing from assessing and felling standing coppice to grading and processing felled material and converting it into basic products. Participants will spend the week working in Hales Wood, an semi-natural ancient woodland, National Nature Reserve and Site of Specific Scientific Interest; thereby getting not just tuition but also an insight into a working woodland. The course is also an opportunity to meet other people interested in woodlands and woodland crafts, as participants will be working together for the duration of the course (as well as taking well-deserved breaks around the fire!).
This course is also accredited (although this is optional). Participants who choose to take part in the accreditation fill in a workbook with information they learn during the week and take pictures of the work they've done. Once they have fulfilled the criteria they receive a Level 2 OCN qualification in Coppicing (; a great addition to a professional trainee's CV or simply a proud achievement for an amateur; this qualification is certification of competence in managing coppice.
We ran this course for the first time in late 2011 and were very pleased with how it went. We had unanimously positive feedback from participants who all felt they had got what they hoped for and more out of the course. Many of them mentioned that as well as learning a lot and gaining invaluable first hand experience they had also enjoyed the experience of spending a week working with like minded people in beautiful surroundings.
Following your successfull introduction into the multifarious, productive and rewarding world of coppicing, you will automatically be entitled to our 'elite' and by invitation only, volunteer group that meets in the season at least once a month, by kind permission of the owners Paul and Kathy Howe Browne, another great oppurtunity to gain experience and have a great day out with the 'gang'.
As this is a subsidised course, booking is handled by the Small Woods Association. Please note that the subsidies are available for people who own or work in woodlands or other land-based industries. For bookings, further information on eligibility and any other queries please contact: Richard Thomason Email: Tel: 01952 432769 or 07964 934556